Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Get User Data using Rest API [Python]

# Installing o365 module
# pip install O365

from O365 import Account

credentials = ('Clien_Id', 'Client_Secret')

account = Account(credentials, auth_flow_type='credentials', tenant_id='Tenant_Id')
if account.authenticate():

directory =
for user in directory.get_users():


Saturday, 17 April 2021

Open URL in a browser in PowerShell


Open URL in default browser Using PowerShell

Start-Process ""

Open URL in Google Chrome Using PowerShell


Open URL in Microsoft Edge Using PowerShell


Open URL in Internet Explorer Using PowerShell


Friday, 16 April 2021

Graph Explorer


Microsoft Graph Explorer


MetaData is like Get-Member which shows all properties can be called using Graph API. It includes Property Name, NavigationProperty Name [Related Object].

Open Browser$metadata 

Look For : 

EntityType name="User"

EntityType name="group"

OData : Open Data is a protocol that is used for a creation of an API’s which is used to expose data over https.

$VarInvoke-RestMethod -Uri ""

Kind Property

  • EntitySet

  • Singleton

DirectoryReadAll : Will provide you User license details

Microsoft Graph API

HTTP Methods

Request Structure

PATCH [Update] : Requires UserReadWriteAll Permission

Microsoft Graph User$metadata 

Find : 

EntityType Name="user"

Property Name

NavigationProperty Name [Related Object]

Microsoft Graph Delta Endpoints

When you perform Delta then only the incremental value of all the users will be displayed.


If you want to have specific data which are changed then you have to Copy the @odata.nextLink value and paste it to the GET Box

Copy and keep the “@odata.nextLink” value which is generated this time if you want to see the incremental data changed for the day.

Graph Explorer Query 

Combining Two Query (&)$select=displayName,userPrincipalName&$count=true&$top=3

Microsoft Graph Pagination

When the API Server is unable to send all the data at once then the Server follows the paging process where it will send the 1st page with @odata.nextlink which is the link for the next page. This is called Server Side Paging.

Client/Application defines the page size $top=2 which needs to be received by a Server called Client Side Pagination.

Microsoft Graph Batching

Batching is the process of combining multiple Queries into one single Query and sending it to Microsoft Graph API.


Oauth 2.0 Client Credential Flow

This type of grant is commonly used for server-to-server interactions that must run in the background, without immediate interaction with a user. These types of applications are often referred to as daemons or service accounts.

The Endpoint will be used for this type of flow is Token endpoint. 

&Grant_Type=Client_Credentials(check the below image)

Open Id Connect

Saturday, 10 April 2021

Splatting in PowerShell

#Example 1

    $Params = @{
        "Path"        = "TestFile.txt"
        "Destination" = "CopiedFile.txt"
        "WhatIf"      = $True
        "Force"       = $True
      Copy-Item @Params

#Example 2

  $MailMessage = @{
    To = “
    From = “
    Subject = “Hi”
    Body = “Hello”
    Smtpserver = “smtphost”
    ErrorAction = “SilentlyContinue”

Send-MailMessage @MailMessage 

Execution Policy

 1. Restricted 

This is the default. PowerShell will not run any script, including PowerShell profiles.

2. RemoteSigned 

PowerShell will run any script that you create locally. But any script that has been detected as coming from the Internet, such as via Internet Explorer, Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome must be digitally signed with a code signing certificate that is trusted by the computer.

3. AllSigned 

PowerShell will not run any script unless it has been digitally signed with a trusted code signing certificate.

4. Unrestricted 

PowerShell will make no attempts to hinder script execution and will run any script. If the script comes from an untrusted source, like the Internet, you will be prompted once to execute it. Though it is not preferred.

5. Bypass 

There is also a Bypass policy, which I don’t recommend for daily use. This policy will run any script without question or prompting. The assumption is that you have taken steps outside of Nothing is blocked and there are no warnings or prompts.PowerShell to verify the safety and integrity of the script.

6. Undefined 

There is no execution policy set in the current scope. If the execution policy in all scopes is Undefined, the effective execution policy is Restricted, which is the default execution policy.

Write-Error vs. Throw in PowerShell


Write-Error should be used if you want to inform the user of a non-critical error. By default all it does is print an error message in red text on the console. It does not stop a pipeline or a loop from continuing.

 Throw on the other hand produces what is called a terminating error. If you use throw, the pipeline and/or current loop will be terminated. In fact all execution will be terminated unless you use a trap or a try/catch structure to handle the terminating error.

Credentials objects in PowerShell


$UserName = 'Sumant'

    $Password = 'Password@123' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force


    # method 1



    # method 2

    New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($UserName,$Password)

Pipeline ByValue and ByPropertyName

 Accept pipeline input ByValue


Will return TypeName: System.Diagnostics.Process

Thats why Get-Process -Name notepad|Stop-Process Works. 

Get-Process (Retrive Type Process Objects)

Stop-Process (Accepts Type Process Objects)

Its mapped to the below parameter which is ByValue

-InputObject <Process[]>

    Required?                    true

    Position?                    Named

    Accept pipeline input?       true (ByValue)

    Parameter set name           InputObjectWithUserName, InputObject

    Aliases                      None

    Dynamic?                     false

 Stop-Process [-InputObject] <Process[]> [-PassThru] [-Force] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]  [<CommonParameters>]

By default pipeline uses ByValue and if that is not available then its uses ByPropertyName 

Accept pipeline input ByPropertyName

"notepad"|Stop-Process will Fail.

Stop-Process : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not match any of the

parameters that take pipeline input.

"notepad" : Considered as byValue and Stop-Process Accept pipeline input ByPropertyName

-Name <string[]>

    Required?                    true

    Position?                    Named

    Accept pipeline input?       true (ByPropertyName)

    Parameter set name           Name

    Aliases                      ProcessName

    Dynamic?                     false

Stop-Process -Name <string[]> [-PassThru] [-Force] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]  [<CommonParameters>]

But we can force it by using the below command

[pscustomobject]@{name="notepad"}|Stop-Process. This time it will Accept pipeline input ByPropertyName